You, I, and just about any other gamer tend to “put up” with video game cut scenes, treating them like commercials—something to ignore.

But with talks of an Assassin’s Creed movie possibly in the works, we should be grateful to Indiana astronomy tutor Andy Gilleand, who believed there was already an Assassin’s Creed movie; we just needed to look beyond what we see as boring cut scenes.

Amazingly, Gilleand has managed to create compelling movies from all the cut scenes and gameplay across the five main titles of the video game franchise. Yes, I said movies—over 16 hours in total, with each movie averaging about three hours.

It might not seem like these compilations would be worth your time, but after watching just a little of Gilleand’s latest creations, I’m hooked. I know what I’ll be watching this weekend.

You can check out all of Gilleand’s Assassin’s Creed “movies” on his YouTube page, but to get you started, here’s his latest offering: Assassin’s Creed III (The Movie).

By Hema

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